Every Random Choice Rule is Backwards-Induction Rationalizable (with Jiangtao Li, GEB, 2017)
Time Dependency in Physician Decision-Making (with Lawrance Jin, Han Ye, Junjian Yi and Songfa Zhong, AEA P&P, 2020)
The Revealed Preference Theory of Stable Matchings with One-sided Preferences (with Gaoji Hu and Jiangtao Li, GEB, 2020)
Maxmin Implementation (with Mu Zhang, JET, 2021)
Motivated Naivete (with Mu Zhang, JET, 2023)
Path Dependency in Physician Decisions (with Lawrence Jin, Han Ye, Junjian Yi and Songfa Zhong, REStud, 2024)
Working Paper
A Theory of Contraction Updating (Online Appendix)
----Jaffray Lecture Award (2024 RUD Conference) [slides]
Coarse Revealed Preference (with Gaoji Hu, Jiangtao Li and John Quah)
A Theory of Revealed Indirect Preference (with Gaoji Hu, Jiangtao Li and John Quah)
----Partially subsumed by "Coarse Revealed Preference"
Associationistic Luce Rule (with Jiangtao Li)
Associative Networks in Decision Making (with Jiangtao Li and Mu Zhang)
Rationalizing Choices in a Rich Domain (with Ting Pei, Xiangqian Yang and Chen Zhao)
PhD Micro Theory I (2021-2023 Fall)
PhD Decision Theory (2021 Fall)
Undergraduate Microeconomics (2022-2023 Fall)
Journal Referee
American Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economica, Economic Journal, Economics Letters, Economic Theory, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Pacific Economic Review, Theoretical Economics